Working with Pages

To better organize all of your pages you can centralize them into a single location similar to posts and collections. **Step 1:** Start by placing pages (`.md` or `.html` files) into a `_pages` directory. Meaningfully naming files should be the goal. Avoid patterns like `/about/` as it makes distinguishing between multiple `` files harder. ```bash sample-project └── _pages/ ├── # custom 404 page ├── # about page └── # contact page ``` **Step 2:** Include pages to be sure Jekyll "sees" and processes the files inside of `_pages`. Add `include: ["_pages"]` to `_config.yml`. **Step 3:** Assign permalink overrides in the YAML Front Matter of each. Examples: | filename | permalink | | -------- | --------- | | _pages/ | `permalink: /about/` | | _pages/ | `permalink: /` | | _pages/ | `permalink: /contact/` | **Recommended Front Matter Defaults:** ```yaml defaults: # _pages - scope: path: "" type: pages values: layout: single author_profile: true ```
